A Guide to Completing Stocktakes in DEAR.

A Guide to Completing Stocktakes in DEAR.

Complete a Stocktake with DEAR | BlueHub

To keep your business running effectively, it’s important to know your stock levels. Not only does this allow you to forecast your sales, but it also ensures you can fulfil order requirements and plan for stock replenishment. Utilising DEAR Systems to manage stocktakes ensures this task is done both accurately and simply. Here’s a simple guide on how to utilise your DEAR system to complete your organisations stocktake.

Starting your stocktake

Stocktakes can be found within Inventory, located at the top of the interface navigation menu. Once selected, you’ll find two different stocktake options that fall under two different categories: New and Search. From here, you can either create a new stocktake or review a previous stocktake saved within your dashboard.

Stocktake in DEAR

When analysing an existing stocktake (and/or stock adjustments), you’ll be presented with multiple sets of information. This information includes the date the stocktake was completed, if there is a stocktake in progress/uncompleted, the location the stocktake occurred in within your warehouse and a reference section for any other relevant information.

Creating a new stocktake | BlueHub

To create a new stocktake action, click on the + icon in the top left corner. From there, you’ll be able to set different parameters, such as selecting when and where the stocktake is going to take place. When counting your stock, you will need an expense account to post the value to. Make sure that this is a unique account, so you’ll be able to easily find the value of the stocktakes. You can also add a reference in this section as well.

Stocktake Filters | BlueHub

Additional filters allow you to go into more detail about your stocktake, making it easier to identify. This is helpful if you’re just taking stock of one particular product, as you can select it from this section.

Stock in a stocktake falls under two sections. You either have non-zero or zero stock. Non-zero is essentially stock within the system that hasn’t sold out, whereas zero is the opposite. Once you’ve completed your basic information, all orders that come after this will be frozen as the information will only be relevant to when the stocktake was carried out. If there are still orders occurring in the background, this will cause problems within your system. All products that comes up as a result of completing the stocktake should be considered as all you have in stock. You can also add stock manually and include the quantity of the units you’re adding, as well as a specific cost, where required.

There are two different exporting options when completing stocktakes. You can either choose to export an individual product, which DEAR will give you the correct template to do so, or you can export all of the products in your system at once. Both templates will be available via download in an Excel format. Once you’ve filled out the information specified, you can then transport that information back into DEAR and from there and complete the task. The value of your stock will be posted in your journal, but if you find the value isn’t correct, you can undo the stock check, or just void it off completely.

Head over to YouTube to watch our  step-by-step tutorial on completing your stock count with DEAR. Or to learn more about how we can help you upgrade your current system, get in touch.


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